Individual Crystals

My focus is on crystal blends, however, if I am offered the opportunity to buy a crystal that I feel is really special I will offerit here. The crystals I choose are ones that are particularly unique with powerful attributes. Even though a part of me would love to keep every crystal that crosses my path I want to feel like part of a flow so I put on really awesome prices that make really special pieces super accessible----  that makes everyone happy!

Candle Quartz

Abundance, Business, Group Work, Inner Work

Candle quartz is a crystal with one main, central termination surrounded by many smaller ones. This stunning example of a candle quartz is perfect for anyone wanting to draw in more abundance, especially useful to anyone who has their own business. Kept in the place of business, candle quartz is said to bring ones attention to ideas and opportunities that will benefit the operation. This stone is also useful for anyone who works in groups, especially when there are complex dynamics, as it  promotes harmony.  Candle quartz is often favored by those involved in self- exploration as it promotes insight and helps connect to the higher realms.

Height: 7.2 cm,Width: 3.3, Length:6.2 cm

Aquamarine, Tourmaline

Tranquility, Protection, smooth communication

The energy of this gorgeous little natural specimen of beautifully terminated aquamarine, black tourmaline and white feldspar is deep and soothing and highly protective. Itwould be a stunning addition to any collection. Attuning with its energy will bring peace, relaxation and confidence. Aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra so is very helpful for raising the quality of communication. Black tourmaline is one of my personal favorites for energetic protection and grounding. It is super effective at warding off unwanted external energies, but unlike some crystals that simply reflect the energy back to its source, tourmaline transmutes the energy into a positive form so that it can help heal the source.The feldspar brings a feminine, goddess, moon energy to the piece..

Size approx: Height 3.2 cm, Width 2.8, Length 2cm

Herkimer Diamond+

AMplify, Boost, Adjust

This authentic Herkimer diamond, direct from the mine in Herkimer NY is believed to be more than 500 million years old. This one is extra zingy due to its 'baby' on board. Though difficult to capture it's beauty in a photo, the baby has beautiful clarity and the 'mama' contains some magical rainbows within. Herkimers are especially known for their superb ability to amplify our intent, as well as to boost the qualities of other crystals. Herkimers enhance ideas and imagination, and work to balance the right and left side of the brain. Herkimer diamonds are also known to help us open to higher guidance, they are attunement stones that help us mentally and physically adjust to higher frequencies and assist with spiritual vision and telepathy.

Size approx: Height 2 cm, Width 1.8, Length 2.9cm


Herkimer Diamond

AMplify, Boost, Adjust

This authentic Herkimer diamond, direct from the mine in Herkimer NY is believed to be more than 500 million years old. Herkimers are especially known for their superb ability to amplify our intent, as well as to boost the qualities of other crystals. Herkimers enhance ideas and imagination, and work to balance the right and left side of the brain. Herkimer diamonds are also known to help us open to higher guidance, they are attunement stones that help us mentally and physically adjust to higher frequencies and assist with spiritual vision and telepathy.

Size approx: Height 2.8 cm, Length 2.7cm

Black Tourmaline Pendant

Protection and Grounding

This pendant is perfect for sensitive people who are prone to feeling overwhelmed when surrounded by others. Black tourmaline is one of my personal favorites for energetic protection. When I wear black tourmaline I feel as though I have an awesome little bubble around my being that allows me to interact with others without feeling like I am being affected by their energy. And while it is super effective at warding off unwanted external energies, unlike some crystals that simply reflect the energy back to its source, tourmaline transmutes the energy into a positive form so that it can help heal the source.

Size approx: Thickness 1 cm, Length 2.5cm

Elestial Quartz

Super High vibration,  leadership, Love

This rare piece is magical on so many levels. One of the gifts of Elestial Quartz is its ability to channel high vibration, love energy from the higher dimensions. This stone attunes with the energy in its surroundings and ensures that the energy it radiates is calibrated to  its physical environment. This means that we will experience its energies in a safe and comfortable manner that will perfectly assist with healing and personal development. These stones also help the divine energy they channel to move through the chakra system, which can have a powerful healing effect and help to create positive changes in our lives. Another exciting attribute of these crystals is their affinity with beings from higher dimensions. If we desire they can help us commune with entities that are aligned with love. Elestials are particularly attuned to feminine yin frequency so ideally suited for connecting with expressions of this energy. This particular stone is particularly well suited to these purposes as its natural form is reminiscent of a fertility Goddess talisman.

Size approx: Height 6.5 cm, Width 4.5, Depth 5cm


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Smokey Calm

stress and negativity absorbing, calming

This beautiful, warm champagne colored smokey quartz has a incredible calming energy. Smokey quartz is known for its ability to absorb stress and negativity and this one feels like a master. Three primary points work together radiating this stone's calming energy out into its environment. The matrix on which this smokey is formed, with its interesting formation, also adds to the intrigue of this piece. The back of this smokey, which can be difficult to capture in a photo is flat so that it would sit flush against a flat back surface.

Size approx: Length 6.5 cm, Depth 4.5 cm, Height 5.5 cm


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Chlorite Healer

Healing, Self-Acceptance, nourishing

This piece of chlorite included quartz is unique in so many ways. The growth patterns are unusual and indicate some abrupt changes in its development. The inclusions are soft and light and feel very connected to deep earth energy. Chlorite is known to help with healing and would be useful to any one working as a healer, or interested in issues of self-care. Though there is no damage, there is roughness about this piece, due to natural growth, that makes it feel particularly useful for assisting with self-acceptance and understanding.

Size approx: Height: 4cm, Length 8 cm, Depth 4.5

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Tranquility, peace, smooth communication

The energy of this gorgeous chunk of aquamarine is deep and soothing. Attuning with its energy will bring peace, relaxation and confidence. Aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra so is very helpful for raising the quality of communication.  It is naturally combined with white feldspar and pyrite. The feldspar brings a feminine, goddess, moon energy to the piece, while the pyrite is at once energizing and grounding. 

Size approx: Height 4.5cm, Width 3.5, Depth 2.5cm

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Black Tourmaline with Quartz

Protection, Grounding, Energetic Integrity

This little stunner would be like having your own loyal energetic guard dog. Black tourmaline is one of my personal favorites for energetic protection. It is super effective at warding off unwanted external energies, but unlike some crystals that simply reflect the energy back to its source, tourmaline transmutes the energy into a positive form so that it can help heal the source. In this piece the tourmaline is covered with a cluster of beautiful double terminated quartz. This combination makes the tourmaline much more potent than it would be on its own. The Tourmaline qualities are amplified and due to the multiple terminations sent out into many directions.  This piece is extra special because it also has a some muscovite as part of its structure. Muscovite can help attract nature spirits, which adds a lovely, playful energy to this amazing natural specimen.


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